i think that way

since dengan confidence sekali aku mahu ke next stage of my life . memang admit sangat that my time with another people , especially family and best friends dah tak seperti dulu . i'm totally busy . but i never regret anything that has happened in my life . it cannot be changed . undone . or maybe forgotten . so i will take it a a lesson . learned and move on .

and now i am moving on slowly into next stage . . .

it's hard ? i think all of us should be thankful to our past because for me , past is my past . it made me who i am . i have no regrets . wouldn't change a thing or i just don't live there anymore . so i have to work had on my future .

so . . for any of you yang sedang fight with any problems , please jangan toleh ke belakang . jalan terus . trust me . it's help a lot .

by the way , dear friends . . .
i laugh . love . hope . try . hurt . need . fear . cry . and i know you do too . so we're really not that different . so strive for better and build up a good institution rather that push down other for our own good . being nice to everybody including your enemy . someone you dislike . doesn't means you're fake . it means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike toward them threw your kindness .

keep in mind sometime ﷲ pushes us to our limits it's because ﷲ has greater faith in us than we have in ourselves . ﷲ know better . . so don't regret . say thankful .

i think that way . . .

be yourself

being yourself is the the only way to be different . . . you carry on no matter what are the obstacles . you simply refuse to give up and , when the going gets tough , you get tougher . prepare for the worst , expect the best , and take what comes . . . remember the past , plan for the future , but live for today , because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come . . . don't choose the one who is wonderful to a million people but choose the one that make your life beautiful . your words can only protect you for so long , it's your actions that speak the truth all along . . .

 life is too short to be someone else ! be yourself .

aku dan angin

orang kata anak ke empat adalah dari unsur angin . perempuan yang dari unsur angin bersifat :
  • sukakan kebebasan
  • ada prinsip hidup
  • tidak mudah tepengaruh dengan orang lain
  • sedikit sensitive
  • mudah mesra dan bergaul dengan orang
  • kurang ambil tahu hal persekitaran
  • memahami pasangan
  • sedikit terburu-buru dalam membuat keputusan
  • bijak ! selalu berfikir logik
  • suka ambil mudah sesuatu perkara
  • banyak cakap tapi sebenarnya baik hati
  • boleh dibawa berbincang
  • sedikit moody
ps: sumber dari google . ada laa betulnya satu dua perkara . hee

secret that has led me to my goal

If you are born poor it's not your mistake
but if you die poor it's definitely your mistake - Bill Gates

ouch !! this saying make me feel so passionate okay ! everyday will read it again and again until i burning up and go find my way  . . . 10 secret that has led me to my goal :
  • positive
  • passion
  • smile when sad
  • please everybody around
  • forgive never forget
  • bring all my heart wherever i go
  • except all the critics and fix it
  • always remember i'm not perfect
  • wake up quickly when i'm really down
  • thankful that i'am still alive and pray
for me . . . 
life is always short . don't give up . . give your dreams your best shot if you want to make them REAL !

just pray and believe in yourself guys . . if you want to achieve something , you have to have a tough heart . . .

aku mengaku yang . . . aku also cried and down when having too much thing to think but quickly wake up . your goals are your own . don't let people say "you cant" . . cloud your judgement .

remember !
people who follow other people step will never be in front . . oops !! but if that people really successful than don't be ego lah , try to understand and follow but keep on careful with all your step deary .

when you're life is set on something , don't give up . . keep going . don't think about the past just focus on your future . do it !


11 hint for life

  • it hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel .
  • a sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you , only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you have to let go .
  • the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with , never say a word , and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had .
  • it's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it , but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives .
  • it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone , an hour to like someone , and a day to love someone but it take a lifetime to forget someone .
  • don't go for looks , they can deceive . don't go for wealth even that fades away . go for someone who make you smile because it take only a smile to make a dark day seem bright .
  • dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go , be what you want to be . because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do .
  • always put yourself in the other shoes . if you feel that it hurt you , it probably hurts the person too .
  • a careless word may kindle strife . a cruel word may wreck a life . a timely word may level stress . but a loving word may heal and bless . 
  • to happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way .
  • love begins with a smile, grow with a kiss , end with a tear . when you were born , you were crying and everyone around was smiling . live your life so that when you die , you're the one smiling and everyone you is crying .

as we grow up

as we grow up , we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down , probably will .

you'll have your heart broken and you'll break other's hearts !
you'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them !
and . . . you'll cry because time is flying by !

so take too many pictures , laugh too much , forgive freely , and love like you've never been hurt . life comes with guarantees , no time outs, no second chances . you just have to live life to the fullest , tell someone what they means to you and tell someone off , speak out, dance in the pouring rain , hold someone's hand , comfort a friend , fall asleep watching the sun come up , stay up late , be a flirt and smile until your face hurt .

don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all , live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second happiness you can and ever get back .

sense of interested : love story

Love Story 

There was a girl who was playing in the park when she saw a picture in the bush, she kept the photo but forget about it until she get married. Her husband asked, who is that little boy in her wallet. She answered "my first love". Then the husband smile and said "I lost this picture when i was 9 years old"

notes to myself

there's so many memories in such a short lifetime . ayu , remember you only get one life and it's not about how long or short it is . it's what you do with it . some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes . yups !! the error of the past is the wisdom of the future . everything happens for a reason , so although life doesn't always turn out the way we want to , it always turns out the way its supposed to . .

missing your memory is normal . . yeah !! youth is when we are always hunting greener pastures so learn to appreciate what you have , before time makes you appreciate what you had !

ayu , keep your head up ; you are so much better than you believe . accept what comes to you totally and completely so that you can appreciate it , learn from it ayu azmi . you can do i , إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ , stay positive and smile :)

permulaan yang sebenar

dalam sedar tak sedar , cepat masa berlalu sebenarnya .
terlupa pada waktu , jam dan tarikh . . kadang-kadang membuatkan aku terpaksa mengakui yang aku ini memang jenis yang gila kerja agaknya . hidup ini memang singkat . kita melangkag namun kadang-kadang kita tak sedar if kita toleh ke belakang kita ini macam semakin menghampiri masa silam . bukan masa depan .

masa silam banyak mengajar kita erti keperitan untuk terus melangkah dan sedikit demi sedikit kita akan nampak yang didepan kita itu sebenarnya cerah . even tak secerah langit siang namun masih mampu untuk senyum . dengan harapan apa yang pernah musnah sebelum ini akan dikembalikan semula sekarang . bina kehidupan yang baru .

hari ini . berbeza dengan masa lalu . sekarang memerlukan kekuatan untuk terus hidup . kekuatan ini kita kena cari dalam diri kira sendiri . selami hati kita .

hidup ini roda . jalan dan biarkan saja segala masalah berputar . renung dan telan sakit yang ada kerana kita hanyalah manusia biasa . tak akan kemana jika tanpa rasa sakit dijiwa . kuat bukan dari fizikal tapi minda . kental bukan dimulut tapi hati . dan keredhaan bukan di mata .

dan aku . . .
menilai kehidupan manusia dari sudut manusia biasa . maka kena terima segala kekurangan yang ada didunia . sedar akan mereka yang nampak sempurna itu juga adalah manusia yang tak sempurna . lumrah manusia , tiada yang sempurna .

maka , perlahan-lahanlah meniti hari bersulam bahagia . derita . harapan .
sampailah kita sendiri sedar dan tidak sedar yang kita berjaya dapatkan apa yang kita impikan . selama ini .

doa memberikan kekuatan pada orang yang lemah . membuat orang tidak percaya menjadi percaya dan memberikan keberanian pada orang yang ketakutan .

feeling nothing ?

nothing is everything !
when you say you are doing nothing you are always doing something .
if you are standing in your bedroom talking on your phone and somebody asks you what you are doing, and you say nothing .
You are lying, your always doing something, for instance , standing , breathing , living , talking , seeing , hearing , stepping, being yourself.

so stop saying that you are doing nothing !

take the good with the bad

smile with the sad
love what you got and remember what you had ,
always forgive but never forget ,
learn from your mistake but never regret ,
people change and things go wrong . . .
but just remember , that life goes on

this moment ..

this time ..
change your statement by doing nothing with doing something while having " _______ feelings "

the power of R . . . kononnya !

the power of R
suddenly i realize . . . yang aku sekarang dah kurang luangkan masa with them that i really truly love . part of my life !

Rosni . . Rafidah . . Raihan Aida and Rahayu . . . . . the power of R

table aku dipenuhi dengan paper work , invoice yang perlu disiapkan . . . but after diterjah oleh my sister at my facebook . . tiba-tiba rasa sangat rindu . Letak kerja kat tepi sekejap , terus je intai-intai old picture with them . . miss my power of R .

time is killing me !
i need out siblings vacation so much . . .

how about the power of A . . . ? 
of course . . papa dan adik-adik aku juga !

Azmi . . Azwan dan Azhan !
okay now , aku rindu semua orang . . seriously . my soul . my family !

My power ! My strenght !
Really truly miss them !

things you might not know about me !


things you might not know about me . . . it's actually copy from my old note :
  • i'm make-up holic and . .  workaholic 
  • affectionate with everyone . . spoiled *
  • i'm not a jealous type
  • pink and flowers . . oh please *
  • pantai . . tempat yang menjadi pilihan aku untuk mencari ketenangan , loved it *
  • teddy bears . . 
  • reading and writing . . 
  • ice-creams and chocolate . .
  • sedikit cerewet bab makan . . haha *
  • bukan penggemar sayur-sayuran . . haha *
  • tak suka strawberry . . hee *
  • suka makan , tapi tak suka gemok . . haha *
  • kadang-kadang materialistic juga . . haha *
  • mudah memaafkan orang lain . . mungkinkah , haha *
  • please jangan terlalu biadap dengan aku . . aku tak suka *
  • tak suka manusia yang hypocrite . .
  • hijau dan merah selalunya menjadi pilihan . .
  • tak suka dengan tempat yang terpaksa bersesak dengan orang ramai . . rimas *
  • i'm pending . . . sometimes *
  • suka beli dan kumpul kasut walaupun tak pakai . . hehe *
  • tak suka aktiviti di dapur . . haha *
  • love humor . . it's work sometimes , hee *
  • cartoon is my favorite show
  • selalu nakkan perhatian especially from mereka yang aku sayang . . you lah *
  • sukakan kebebasan . . tak bermakna social *
  • oh please . . aku tak suka lelaki romantic !
  • mood yang cepat berubah . . jangan tanya kenapa *
  • tak suka bebankan otak . . so jenis yang tak berfikir panjang lah *
  • mempunyai pendirian tapi . . 
  • suka puji diri sendiri walaupun orang lain tak puji . . haha *
  • tak suka share masalah dengan orang lain
  • tak dengar kata . . tak bermakna tidak menerima nasihat dari orang lain ya *
  • loved to saying hello to strangers . .
  • like the smell after the rain . .
  • sukakan hujan , tapi tak suka bila kena hujan . . jerawat oii *
  • loved to making people smile . . even aku sendiri tak happy *
  • i loved taking pictures . .
  • tak suka bebankan otak untuk benda yang tak penting
  • pelupa . . adakalanyalah , manusia biasa *
  • tak semua orang mampu nak faham aku . . dan adakalanya aku sendiri tak faham diri aku , haha *