I will إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ

بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Hmm lately ni i am sure you guys do notice me selalu upload picture on facebook with wearing hijab ?
Which is covered up and decent looking .

Actually , dah lama teringin nak berhijab . Nak jadi wanita muslimah . .
But seperti ada sesuatu yang menghalang ?
Hmm pandangan orang lain yang negatif seolah lebih penting dari redha Illahi . Teruknya diri ini !

Someday i'll kan ? إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ
I'm not trying to make anyone happy or impressed . Not trying to convert .

Ironically , i secretly love to dress up like those girls who wear tudung , seledang , turban , baju kurung , kebaya and jubah .

Why do i like " Muslimah's wear " ?
Simple . Because it feels so much better to be respected , looked upon and taken seriously when you are attracting people with the real beauty of a woman's soft facial features , your personality , your grace and your elegance .

I simple believe that a true beauty is when you cover her body and hair . .
- which with the correct styling plays a major role in beautifying a woman's entire look -
and you still see a beautiful person , regardlessly . . .
. . . that is true beauty
So people are gonna keep staring . Hee

Keep praying untuk menjadi yang lebih baik . Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya

" melayu tak semestinya islam dan islam tak semestinya melayu " - Felixa Yeap
Non muslim but mampu menutup aurat dengan sempurna . Malu dengan dia . Malu lagi dengan ﷲ !

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